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The Self-Improvement Mystery:

The reason for self-improvement is that we want to improve in something: 
Health, attitude, business success, social standing, work-life-balance, you name it. 

Already for business success you might need self-improvement in a dozen domains (SEO, etc), in which self-improvement is also very much in demand and offered. 

The "mystery" being that.... the Nr 1 of self-improvement is so often overlooked. 

The Tongue and the Pen!

Body language
Psychology of words
Use of silence

Which percentage of votes for Obama came from...

Agreeable, baritone voice.

Clarity in and correctness of speaking (for a perception that someone who speaks correctly, is a correct person).  

Sure, idealized features, height. 

Fitness, diet. 

Body language. 

Oratory talents. 

A speech writer assistant, a group to help, to test. 

Speaking is an all-encompassing domain. 

It is for this reason that I started a Whatsapp Group, to give people the possibility to practise and learn. 


Exactly: the reason why the most important teacher of any emperor or leader was: the Aristotle with the most advanced knowledge of words. 

The reason why Alexander The Great was able to persuade 30,000 soldiers to follow him to the ends of the earth, or why it was Martin Luther King who forced change upon the Senate, - or why Nike is successful. 

Persuasion combines everything
from "actions speak louder than words" to voice training to body training to psychology to therapy.  


So why is rhetoric such a neglected orphan in our education?
Asking that question is knowing the answer. 

For it's the one who is most advanced in knowledge, be it of how to speak to people or to Search Engines - who rules the waves. 
And regardless of how many "free" offers and manuals and videos are thrown at us - this superior knowledge will never be given or taught, except when it has become irrelevant in the first place.  

"The limits of your language, are the limits of your world".


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