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The fastest glow-up?


It's one of the very few things that can be done here and now, not needing anything
You might not instantly start glowing, yet your reputation will do so, your "social credit" will. 
SILENCE is golden, remember?

If you are anything like another billion people, then your fingers are itching to yet again post something on a Social Network, or to voice your opinion somewhere, for the addiction to a few Likes or the impression to be noticed. 

Which you would probably never do, if you would know the far, far superior glow of silence. Silence is the loudest language, and is associated with: dignity, auto-control, self-confidence, discretion, mystery and thus attractiveness, and, ultimately, social standing and power. SILENCE IS THE KING AND QUEEN of all your communication, rhetoric, language learning, reputation. CHATTING is the beggar. 

Let it be a CORRECT, golden silence. 

We are not talking about ignoring this or that question or Whatsapp message. As in "let them wait". Silence is not only the loudest language, it is also almost universally understood. It does not take Google Translate to know what someone is saying with their silence, - and thus attitude, emotion, character. 


When for example you say to a customer: "I will get back to you tomorrow morning" - and you do not do that, nor the "tomorrow" nor the specification of "morning" turn out to be reliable; and you pop up 3 days later, with an excuse ("sorry, it was very busy"),... that then will be silently incorporated into any quote that you might send. 
In all silence, yes your quote might be an attractive one, and a well presented one, but the customer will include that any works might take 3 days longer, and that promises are only intentions, and will come with excuses. THAT IS THE QUOTE in the mind of the customer. Your actions spoke louder than your words. 

Both your words and your silence have a worth, they are a currency, which can be strong one or a worthless one, and all degrees in between. ​

Only THEN add your silver. 

Whisper words of wisdom, and of reliability, of originality etc. 

We learn to speak correctly, in order to be perceived as correct people
We practise in becoming good communicators, in order to be - in a world of noise and chaos and competition - to be known as the reliable rock
We are often told that "trying to speak correctly is something for snobs, elitists, those with a higher social status", whereas it's the other way around; it was their speaking correctly that brought them to (the perception of) a higher status; the KNOWLEDGE that the tongue is the sword in the wilderness of the world. 


Silence on Social Networks

As products have, so do people who are not on social networks come with a persuasive sense of scarcity. 

People who rarely post anything, and then all of a sudden they do pop up: you will see that also you might become attentive, wanting to know what they are saying. 
A great thing though is that Social Networks are great testing grounds

"Fake it till you make it"?

Yes, both silence and words are used in highly manipulative ways, and it's a manipulation that is all around us, in far more and more clever ways than we can read or even be aware of. In that domain too, people have not stopped trying to get to newer and higher levels. 

Though I find that an interesting study in itself - where and how am I being manipulated? - it is not a high enough goal to dedicate days to, and forget weeks, months or years. 

Mine is that where you start to focus on speaking correctly, you can start to focus on CORRECTNESS ITSELF. 

​Where you start looking into aiming at excellence in one domain, you start to focus on EXCELLENCE ITSELF. 
Working towards a self or a world where things are and go CORRECTLY, SMOOTHLY, RELIABLY, PLEASANTLY, where A YES IS A YES AND A NO IS A NO, - definitely is a world where there's a lot more easy sailing than tiresome shaking of the boat. 

In order to glow, start glowing. 

Bless the world with your talents, and it will bless you. 
Communication is but the way in which you make that visible, first and foremost to yourself. 

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