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Speed? Retreat?

What's with the mentioning of SPEED all the time? 
Why speed courses? Speed services?
What's that with the "retreat", "fun" and "family experience" etc? 

This stems from decades of witnessing just how frustratingly slow a learning process can be for many people. Which then turns into auto-sabotage, such as the thoughts "I can't do this", "I don't have the head for it", "I'm a failure in this".  

Whereas it's NOT you, it's your method
You can compare it to wanting to learn how to swim... by once a week dipping a toe in water, and scary or unappealing water at that. Of course that's going to take decades! You don't even have FUN with it. 

Hence my approach: to turn any learning process, be it one of 2-hours, or a day or days into an EXPERIENCE. Igniting your enthusiasm, and ensuring that it's instantly useful. 

Yes, you can! Speedily. 

Yes you can learn how to swim, when you dive. Go for it, go wade up to the chest in the lovely, lukewarm water. 

On your own, or with your partner, or with the whole family or a group of friends if you really want to turn it into a lovely, memorable experience. 

As useful as Language Learning Apps are, for example to kickstart your brain in the morning, it's also not in their best interest to make you learn a language quickly. Their interest sits in making you get hooked, spending a lot of time on the app, selling advertising. 

As teacher I want people to be succesful, sail, dance, integrate, fly, in languages, search engines as in life.  
So I thought of ways to make people want that too. 

Hence why I often combine a course, with a walk or time in the mountains, or going out into the real Andalusia: a brief retreat. Retreating in order to come back stronger. 

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