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Overhaul of self

What I most like about learning rhetoric and oratory?

That it combines everything
This study is not self-improvement in this or that, but self-improvement in everything at once. 
As a full HOUSE RENOVATION, with you being the house. 

Voice, presentation, thus fitness, health, dress code, all aiming at persuasion or sales, thus learning persuasive language, articulation, clarity, involving psychology, getting to know Ancient Greece and Rome, practising to improve Social Networking, Communication, - ad infinitum. 

​It's the skeleton of a general LIFE OVERHAUL.

It does not even matter that I have no plans to actually ever speak in public, - it sure helps to find the confidence to do so. 

And anyway: where ever 2 people meet in the street, or post or comment on a Social Network or on WhatsApp: they are speaking in public. 
Persuasion starts where 2 people meet, so whether you are thinking of big audiences and big goals, or tiny ones, or maybe just the conversation with yourself, or seeing how you move, walk, dance, talk or behave: the walk up the mountain of Oratory is a gorgeous one. 

  • Youtube
  • Facebook
  • Spotify

About old pictures and WhatsApp groups

If I see old photos of myself, I wonder: would that person even be able to climb a stage?
How short of breath would HE have been, not to mention how nerveous AND unconvincing as speaker. 
It all did take a lot and a lot of input and self-motivation to get to a completely different point. 

There you go, that's the reason for my WhatsApp groups

We all need mutual motivators, personal trainers, commentators, teachers, providers of ideas

The only conditio sine qua non is: 
We are there to be or learn to become excellent communicators, persuasive ones, diplomatic and courteous ones. It's not Twitter Chaos, not a debate club and forget about a mud fight: persuasion is the opposite, we are there to be charming, convincing, listen, follow, talk, present yourself, put an idea forward, ask opinions ... being persuasive people. 

It doesn't matter in which language.
We all have Google Translate, and we all have to learn how to address a group of people of different backgrounds and speaking different languages. 


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