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The gold you carry with you:


There's no topic that philosophers have argued and written about as much as the question: "What is excellence"?

Summarizing thousands of books and centuries, the best answer is: "Excellence is that what makes people prefer 1 thing over any other thing". 



Unearthing your BEST YOU. 

Be it in communication, social networking, marketing,
posture, language learning, your social credit
For excellence is not ONE thing, it sits in all things
from packaging to content to reliability. 

All human beings CARRY that potential excellence with them, 
and the only reason why it's still rare, sits in the not seeing it, 
not knowing it, not knowing its importance, 
or the lack of interest or motivation in being it. 

CONTACT ME for more information,
or for your day plan.
After you have read this page, for another great
and well known quote
"Excellence is the next 5 minutes". 


Everything about excellence: 

Why are whole tomes written about it?
Why was it debated from the halls of Athens

to the marketing boards of big Brands?

The 1st one of the 3 reasons is obvious: 

To be competitive, take the market, win the game,
safeguard income, success, etc.  

The 2nd reason is far more important: 

"Panta rhei": everything streams.
This is a very changeable world, empires and possessions
and reputations come and go. Nothing is certain.
Today you live in a mansion, tomorrow your country changes
or the social harmony, and you are on the dole. 


Naturally, this was far more visible in the rockier ancient world,
where hardly 2 generations went by without the stories of
catastrophe, crisis, devaluation of currencies, war or new rulers.  

You needed to be able to CARRY your wealth with you. 

Diamonds, gold, silver...

That always was their value: their portability. 
Banks or houses collapsed? Currencies became worthless?
You had to go on the run? Here was something that you 
could carry with you, easily, in your pockets. 

Ideal? Almost
For it could still be stolen, or
be right a reason to attack you. 
Or what are you with any gold, if it's not recognised and
thus not trusted much, by people who have no experience with gold - the
they have to believe you on your word, that it is valuable gold?
Only you and some connoisseurs know that. 

There's but one thing that cannot be robbed, that will sooner be seen as a valuable asset rather than a problem: YOU
Your talent, your skills, your standing. 
What with people or tribes or foreign lands that do not know you, so also not your skills or other? 
Excellence is not just being better at something than anyone else, 
it's such a level up that it's visible, undeniable: split-second


Would you like a 3rd reason?

None of the above applies to you?
You are living the life, in very stable and secure times, 
you no longer have to work for the rest of your life, 
you're not religious, don't want to be a Jesus, et cetera? 

What then is still a better goal than using all the time and space provided by life, - than as a University of Excellence? Unearthing your intrinsical bronze, silver, gold?

CONTACT ME for more information, or your day plan.


How does that 1 Day look like?

The first half of the day will contain the foundations of rhetoric
communication, ideal learning level, social networking,
social credit, posture...
and the second half of the day 
will focus on what interested you most, is most you, or in which domain you would like to "attack" excellence first. 


For reasons of memorability, and visibility and clarity of examples, 
such a day will be in retreat format: out of your comfort zone, a fresh wind through your body, mind and attention span. 

"Excellence is the next 5 minutes" is a famous quote 
of specialist consultant and author Tom Peters (Baltimore, 1942). 
Other quotes and background came from 
"Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance", the 1974 novel 
of Robert M. Pirsig, and - naturally - of the specialists of specialists of the matter,
the Stoics, such as Marcus Aurelius and Seneca. 

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